Monday, December 10, 2012

rare item monday!!

todays rare item monday is.... RARE REINDEER ANTLERS!! I have been wanting these for the longest time now!!! They are sold at jam mart clothing store! they are only for members, sorry nonmembers and for 500 gems(clearly..  :3)!! SO GO GET ONE FOR YOUR SELF TODAY!! and remember.... JAM ON! AND PLAY WILD!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December Updates

Sorry We havent posted in a while lots of school work!

Every day when you login comes a different jammaliday gift! First was the patch of lollipops, then gems, then the snowflake rug and today the snow angel!

Also a  new post about Return of Alphas

THe Monday Rare whichis kinda uselesss saying it now is the Green Antlers!

And a returning rare the wreath neckalace!

Also more new items i LOVE for Christmas

Finally these UBER cute reindeer came back again!

THe December Member gift is the Gingerbread den!
And an extra bonus Member gift yay!

That was alot! Anyways hope this helps your jamming easier!
