Sunday, September 22, 2013

Granting Gems????

Hey Jammer! so this message popped up on my screen and i have no clue to what it is! so it would really be helpful if you would comment down if you know what it is!! Thanks !!!

Thanks Everyone!!

Eye Patch!!!

Hai Jammers!! Today's new item is NON MEMBER!! its the eye patch!!!! it comes in many cute colors and is only 250 gems! Of course its sold at Jam Mart Clothing so be sure to pick one up today!

Happy Jamming!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Good Trade???

Hay jammers! so my friend REALLY wants my blue headdress... Is this a GOOD trade?? would YOU  accept it??

 Please comment down if its good or bad!!!
thanks you guys!

Beaded Necklace!!!!!

Hey Jammers! Today's new items is a Beaded necklace!!!!Its comes in Many cute colors and has been seen as a prize in many adventures. :3 Its sold at Jam Mart Clothing for 400 gems and sorry... members only. :P :)

 Happy jamming!!!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Medical Center and More!

Hai Jammer! Sorry i haven't really been posting this week. so i thought i would so a post about one of the NEWEST things in Jamaa! The Medical Center!! They see adorable medical items and have a really cute upstairs lay out!

 Here is the up stairs lay out, :)

And im also online right now and will be on until probably 9:00! So mail me, jam with me, even MEET me!!!!! So remember im zoey10346 and also ..... JAM ON!!!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013


den unlocked, sound on, buddy requests on EVERYTHING!!!! So feel free to buddy me, brows my den and even play a game or two with me! (well if i'm on. :D) See you around Jammers! Remember i love to mee my fans so feel free to stop by and say hi! so umm yah!

Rare Item Monday!

Hey guys! sorry its kinda a late post but as most of you know... its RARE ITEM MONDAY!!!!! Todays rare is a Rare Police Hat!!!! Its sold on the 10th page at Jam Mart Clothing and is 550 gems! PLUS its NON MEMBER!!!!!! So be sure to pick yours up today!

I am also on Animal Jam right now, so if you are a fan and would like to meet me, you can buddy me, (zoey10346) and yah! m not going to be on for long though... :((  maybe just until 5:00 but yah! so Come meet me! ANYONE is welcome. :3 see you around!

Happy Jamming!!!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

We Are Back!!!!

Hey Jammer!!! we Missed you over that REALLY long period of time we were gone. Except now.. its not we... its I!!!!!! ZOEY10346!!! sadly i am the only one running the blog but i will try my best to do the best and make the blog as awesome as it was before! so during the time you were gone, you probably visited other blogs like Animal Jam Spirit and Animal Jam Buddies! Both of those blogs are AMAZING! so they have been keeping up with all the epic new items and changes and everything NEW in the world of Jamaa! If i were to update you with ALL of that i would be here all night.. :((( so i'm not going to. from now until tomorrow (September 16th, 2013) i will not be posting, probably just making some changes to the blog though but tomorrow.. (September 16th....) I will start not completely "fresh" but "fresh" with new posts about Rare Item Monday and more! So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell all your friends that we are back on scheduled and to check us out!! thank you all for your support!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!

~zoey10346 <3

Friday, July 19, 2013

Friendship Bracelets and Tunnel Town

Hey jammers! Todays new item is the non member friendship bracelet in the clothing store!

Shelves are also introduced to animal jam!
And news in Jamaa Journal is that Tunnel Town is now world wide since before it was only in Canada!

As a last note I'd like to thank zoey10346 and oreos9061 for putting me back in the blog again! they're the best!


Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Hey jammers! We are back to do the blog! and Oreos9061 is still on a break. so I have brought back in my other pal wolfer537! so stay tuned into this blog for updates!

Friday, June 28, 2013

bye bye

Hey Jammers, i'm going to be stopping the blog for a bit, i'm not going to update the blog as much as i am currently doing... but later on i will be back on! i just have a bust scheduled and don't have that much time to do this. still feel free to vote on our newest polls and ill be back on soon! BYE! ill miss you!

in the mean time, be sure to check out these blogs! (just copy and paste the web adress)

More Freedom Plushies

Hey Jammers! yesterday, i posted something about the Animal Jam Carnival and how they brought back they Freedom plushies! well today they have also brought back two more new plushies!! take a guess.... Its the Freedom Cat plushies! i also have the feeling that Animal Jam is going to bring back the Freedom dog, butterfly and duck plushies so be sure to keep an eye open!! but anyways, the cool new Freedom cat plushies are very cute!

Large Freedom Kitty- MEMBERS~ 5000 tickets
Freedom Kitty- NONMEMBER~ 1000 tickets

Happy Jamming!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Freedom Party and More!

Hey jammers, i'm just going to update you to some new items about the freedom party and more! (like said on the name of this post....)

There is a new item sold at the Freedom Party!
Freedom Jester Hat!!
350 gems, members only
and only sold at Freedom Party!

The Jamaa Journal....
FREEDOM DAY IS COMING! Decorate your dens and get stylish with this holiday!
spend it with your friends at the freedom party or even through a party at you den!

Although the Freedom Party is a bit small, its still a great please to relax, hang with friends and  enjoy yourself!
they have also brought back cool new items like a Freedom Globe, the Freedom plushies, and a Freedom Dragon Hat!  check all your local Animal Jam shops so purchase these items!

don't forget about the Phoenix Armor! its for sale at the Diamond Shop and none of the pieces or more then 3 diamonds!
Phoenix Helmet- 1 diamond
Phoenix Amulet- 1 diamond
Phoenix Armor- 2 diamond
Phoenix Leg Armor- 1 diamond
Phoenix Tail Armor- 2 diamond
You can see what all these items look like in out previous post ( Phoenix Armor and you can search that up in the search box to the left!) and checking your local Diamond Shop!
You can start your adventures at the Lost Temple Of Zios!
at the Adventures Beta Party, don't forget to give animal jam HQ your  input on  what new thing you would like to see at the Adventures Beta Party!

Training Grounds.....
just some tips to help you get your way past those phantoms~
you can even do it with your buddies to help protect the Bunny Burrow!
those pesky phantoms!

Soon, the Training Grounds will be for ALL JAMMERS!
also, more Adventures will approach in the future of this party to help protect the alphas while they protect Jamaa from the pesky Phantoms!

They HUMMIMGBIRDS are leaving Animal Jam Outfitters in just 2 weeks (July 10)! so hurry! before they  fly away! hahahaha.
they are only sold on the animal jam outfitters (online shop)
it comes with a 1 month membership, 1500 gems and a pet Hummingbird!
all for $8.99! hurry! before this great offer is gone! hahahaha you still have about 2 weeks, don't stress... :) just remember to get it before they are gone!
Mark it on your Calandar!

The Carnival!
Jamaa has brought back the mini and Giant Freedom Plushies!
They are sold next to Whack-a-Phantom and above the cotton candy machine!

What the shop looks like in the location
i said....

the plushies they sell!!!
freedom hamster ~ NM 1000 tickets
freedom frog~ NM 1000 tickets
Large Freedom hamster~ M 5000 tickets
Large Freedom Frog~ M 5000 tickets

Updates to the Blog....

i added something that seems cool, then i noticed it is awesome! on the left hand side out our blog, there is a little search engine that says search this blog, and you can type in anything! like.... hmmm..... the word "cookies" and then at the top, below our blog name, you can click The Web and its like Google on our blog! so go ahead! try it out!

Happy Jamming

Freedom Day!

Freedom Day is coming, so get in the Freedom Spirit! Decorate your animal and den! Also, the newspaper says to look out for new items, and more!

these are some of the new items:                      


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Freedom Panda Hat!

Hey Jammers! the newest "freedom" item is the Freedom Panda Hat! Its sold at Jam Mart Clothing for 500 gems (1st page) and i'm pretty sure that its also sold at the Freedom Party, but i have not had the opportunity to go to it to see. but anyways, its a member item and is also another great accessory to wear to this months Freedom Party!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Gems times 2!!

Pill Bugs is now gems times two! This game can be found in Sarepia Forest, or at the arcade. Hurry, before it goes back to regular gems!!


Don't forget to vote in our poll!!! "Whats your favorite place in all of Jamaa?!" hurry!! you only have a couple more hours!! the voting poll is to the right of out blog.

Also, let us know what you guys would like to vote on next!!

Freedom Party!

Hey Jammers! I FINALLY had the opportunity to go to the freedom party! it hasn't changed much from last year but here are the items they sell!

Wolf Firework~ 600 gems
Giraffe Firework~ 600 gems
Bunny Firework~ 600 gems
(all are member)

Globe- NONMEMBER~400 gems
Star~ 400 gems (can change the color)
Paw~ 400 gems (can change the color)

Freedom Bunny Hat- NONMEMBER~ 500 gems
Freedom Monkey Hat~ 500 gems
Freedom Lion Hat~ 800 gems
Freedom Cat Hat~ 400 gems
Freedom Chicken Hat~ 750 gems

the Freedom Bunny Hat and Freedom Cat Hat are both sold at Jam Mart Clothing.

My friends and I were the last two jammers at the Freedom Party! Hooray!

New Item!

Hay Jammers!!! there is another new freedom item our in Jam Mart Clothing! Its called the Freedom Cat Hat! it's sold for 400 gems and is for members only. Its is also on the very first page so no troubles but its still a great accessory to have and to wear to the newest party in Jamaa!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Rare Item Monday!! and more!!

hey jammers! this weeks Rare Item Monday.... item.... is.... a RARE ARMY HELMET! its sold on the last page of Jam Mart Clothing, (12th) and is sold for 900 gems and is for members only.

Looks like the Freedom Party is back!

i can't wait to see what they sell!

and also these cool new items!

Freedom Bunny Hay- 500 gems and for nonmembers too!!!
sold at Jam Mart Clothing and is also on the first page.
be sure to get your own to wear when you are jamming
at the Freedom Party!
Green Painted Pot- 250 gems and is for nonmembers!
sold at Jam Mart Furniture and is on the first page.

We reached 2,000 page views!!!!!!!!

WE DID IT! We got to 2,000 page views! Thank you for reading our blog!!! Now, let's try to get to 3,000!

 And don't forget, Jam On!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Another New Den Item!

In Jam Mart Furniture, you can now buy a red painted pot for members and nonmembers. This pot is 250 gems. So get yourself a pot today!

Thursday, June 20, 2013


hey jammers!!! would you like to help us?! ok, well we need YOUR help! our current goal for our Animal Jam Foreverr blog is to get 2000 views! we are almost there and we know you can do it! so please! spread our blog website to your friends to help us reach out goal! dont forget, ADVENTURE AWAITS in the wonderful world of Jamaa!

Pheonix Armor!

In the diamond shop, you can now get Pheonix armor! Here are the peices you can buy:

helmet- 1 diamond
Amulet-1 diamond
Armor-2 diamond
Leg Armor-1 diamond
Tail Armor-2 diamond

Remember, members only

3 New Den Items!

At Jam Mart Furniture, there is now a pottery wheel for 250 gems, a skinny painted pot for 250 gems, and a small painted pot, also for 250 gems. All of these items are for members only. So get yours NOW!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Hey Jammers! There is a huge rumour going on about the new animal in Animal Jam! The new animal is a kangaroo! Sadly however, it is only sold in Australia because i sent an email to AJHQ and this is what it said

Hello Jammer,

Did you hear an exciting rumor? Well, here's the scoop!

Once in awhile, Animal Jam likes to release new items as we are always coming up with wild ideas.

We are happy to announce there is a new animal coming to Jamaa! The newest Animal Jam gift card featuring the Kangaroo has been released in Australia, and it will soon make its way to players around the globe. But for now, these gift cards can only be found in select retailers throughout Australia.

Keep your eye out for more information in the weeks to come!

Play Wild,

Animal Jam HQ

Anyways one of the famous jammers that have these rare kangaroos is Happyseal5555! Please dont bug her though!
Happy Jamming!


Heres the Journal first containing exciting news!

To enter you can come in using the party list or use the temple of zios passage!
inside there is this weird broken bridge leading to nowhere? what do you think it leads to?

here is a bridge connecting two platforms, one for each training ground.

here is a coming soon shop in the base camp. Maybe it will soon sell items used to attack the phantoms.

here is the base camp you arrive in

the tunnel leading to temple of zios connected by a bridge to the base camp

here is the first training ground on platform 1 or island 1

and alone by itself on island 2 is the second training area

since im a  nonmember starting yesterday :( perfect timing......anyways i cant get into the training grounds. 
Happy Jamming!